Discover the Power of Chiropractic Care

Gentle adjustments for a balanced life.

Chiropractic care focuses on aligning the spine to support your body's natural healing process. Through precise adjustments, it helps relieve pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall well-being. It's a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of your body's systems. Whether you're dealing with chronic discomfort or seeking preventative wellness, chiropractic care offers a non-invasive path to help you feel your best every day.


Creating optimal function through chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue modalities. Chiropractic adjustment techniques that may be included are Webster Technique, Diversified, Manual/Gonstead, Thompson Drop Technique, and Activator Technique. Soft tissue modalities that may be included are Graston, kinesiotaping, electrical muscle stimulation, and manual soft tissue mobilization.

Dr. Brianna Shifflett

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Balance and Bloom Chiropractic and Wellness LLC

1980 N Atlantic Ave STE 616,
Cocoa Beach, FL


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